Monday, September 1, 2008

An additional comment on friendly freezers...

Although one of my goals was to make meals perfectly proportioned for one, I have an exception... if I am making a food that I know I will want for dinner the next day, or later on in the week, there is no harm in making extras to put in the refrigerator or the freezer. For example: Veggies with Pesto. I love veggies with pesto on them! And I have no qualms about making extras for a meal later in the week. Pesto with Veggies also freezes well! Another great freezer item is Split Pea Soup. In fact, if you google "food that freezes well" or "recipes that freeze well" you will find a plethora of ideas! So remember, if you like the food so much you might just want to eat it again the next day, go ahead and make extra (because it does make it a little easier to shop - for example if you are buying pre-packaged veggies).

Veggies with Pesto:

Pre-heat skillet to medium-high. Chop into small equally(ish) sized pieces: 1 bell pepper (red/yellow), carrots, and broccoli florets. Slice mushrooms (or buy pre-sliced). Add bell pepper, carrots, and broccoli to skillet with a little olive oil and sauté until broccoli is bright green. Add mushrooms and continue cooking until mushrooms begin to soften. Add frozen peas to taste. Finally, add home-made or pre-made (I like it from Trader Joes) pesto! Continue cooking until peas are warm and pesto is evenly distributed.

Serve warm as an entrée or eat with chicken breast.

Put leftovers into tupperware container and freeze or stick in fridge.

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